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Pulaski County Office Of Emergency Management

Pulaski County KY Emergency Management is dedicated to planning, preparing, responding to, and recovery from emergency / disasters affecting citizens of Pulaski County.


Pulaski County EOC is the first of it’s kind for Pulaski County. It was founded in 2020 and quickly became and integral part of coordinating emergency responses amount various agencies in Pulaski County. During the most recent COVID-19 pandemic, the EOC serviced numerous business and medical providers in addition to first responders. In 2021, EOC personnel were able to secure 2.2 million dollars in CARES Act funding for Pulaski County. The EOC has also coordinated emergency response in multiple severe and winter weather incidents.

What is an Emergency Operations Center

  • An EOC is a central command & control facility responsible for carrying out emergency preparedness, emergency management, and /or disaster management in advance of or during an emergency.
  • An EOC is responsible for strategic direction and operational decisions.
  • An EOC collects, gathers, and analyzes data to make decisions that protect life and property, maintain the continuity of operations, and disseminates those decisions to all agencies involved.
  • An EOC can be activated in response to natural or manmade disasters and other public safety emergencies. There are five different levels of activation, depending on the scale of the event. Level 5 is the lowest level and typically managed by the EM Director. Level 1 is considered a catastrophic incident that requires an agency-wide effort and full activation of all local, county and state assets.


Moving Forward – New EOC Advancements

  • The new EOC will provide fully integrated radio and phone systems that function with the same capabilities as the 911 Dispatch Center. This will allow a seamless transition from the 911 Dispatch Center to the EOC during an incident.
  • During COVID-19 response, the EOC coordinated virtual meetings and conference calls with partners throughout the county and Commonwealth. The technology in the new EOC facility will provide for this in a more advanced capacity, giving each participant a virtual or physical seat at the table.
  • Technology and equipment  advancements allow the streaming of camera sources directly into the EOC from emergency scenes so that EOC personnel and partners are able to make the best strategic & operational decisions.
  • All EOC technology (radio and phone systems, servers, internet, etc.) have backups and the ability to maintain communications via satellite if necessary through the use of our partner, SRT mobile communications vehicles.

Pulaski County Emergency Management

Pulaski County Emergency Management is dedicated to planning, preparing, responding to, and recovery from emergency / disasters affecting citizens of Pulaski County.

Sheriff logo

Pulaski County Sheriff Dept.

It is the mission of the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office to protect and serve our citizens by working to attain the highest level of professionalism and accountability.

ky state EM logo

Kentucky State Emergency Management

This site is for shared information purposes & is not intended for emergency communication. During emergencies, please contact your local emergency management.

Firemans Cross

Pulaski County Fire Coordinator

Pulaski County Fire Commission formed in 1981 and is located on a 14 acre tack of land with a training facility and 4 other buildings. The Commission is comprised of 16 local departments, 10 substations, 2 Rescue Squad stations and a Special Response Team/Hazmat.

Special Response / KY HAZ-MAT 12

Pulaski county local Hazardous Materials Team. We serve Pulaski county and we also host the KY EM RRT Haz-Mat area 12 and several surrounding counties. Our membership is made up of emergency responders from Pulaski and surrounding counties.

Code Red logo

Community Notification and Alerts

CodeRED is a county wide emergency notification system. By signing up for this FREE service you will be notified of any emergency within Pulaski County. Notification include weather warnings, boil water advisories, and burn bans in the county. Sign up for this service through the sign up button.

NOAA logo

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep the public informed of the changing environment around them.

TEAM KY transportation logo

State Highway District 8

The Department of Highways District 8 is headquartered in Somerset and provides services to a ten-county area including Adair, Casey, Clinton, Cumberland, Lincoln, McCreary, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Russell, and Wayne counties.

National Weather Service Logo

National Weather Service

The National Weather Services mission is to provide weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy.

Lake Cumberland Water Level

Our mission is to provide information about Lake Cumberland and to offer a vehicle for communication for the local community and information for area visitors. The Lakes website is part of the Lakes Online network of sites.


Pulaski County Kentucky Office of Emergency Management
